Wednesday, August 23, 2006

bye bye bus!

First day of school for my not so little one!
Here is a great poem:
Back to School
Somehow the sunlit world is gray
A small boy went to school today.
So often in these last few years
of healing hurts
and drying tears...
Of picking playthings off the floor...
Of running often to the door,
One thought has been a placid pool...
He'll soon be old enough for school.
He was old enough today,
Yet all the sunlit world is gray.
So soon my rooms grow orderly,
With no small boy to bother me.
But quiet rooms are lonely things
when in their walls no small boy sings.
A quiet yard's a lonely place,
When it has known a small boy's face.
Today he joined the world of men...
He'll not be wholly mine again.
Today he braved life's rise and fall...
Dear Lord he seems so very small.
Somehow the sunlit world is gray...
My baby went to school today.
author unknown


motherof8 said...


Heather said...

THat just makes me cry. I'm sending my little guy to school for the first time tomorrow. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where you got this poem, but it was read on the Mark & Brian radio program (KLOS, Los Angeles and syndicates) - sometime back in the late 90s by a mother who she says she wrote it (it was worded for a girl, not boy). Who knows....