American Idol is my 13 yr old's show to watch, not mine.
Being an endless fan of corny jokes, puns, etc... , I do have a fave this season:
DANNY GOKEY..............
If you've been watching, you may like this young man, too.
Let me tell you a few interesting details about him:
Do you know Danny's favorite dance?
-The HOKEY-POKEY, of course!
Did you know he has a twin sister?
-She is an agreeable sort, her name is ' Okey-dokey Gokey'.
Danny has another famous relative -
-His name is 'Smokey Dokey' , not 'Smokey the Bear' as you may have heard so many times.
So, stop groaning,
and let me know if you know any more 'facts' (or bad puns) to contribute. :).
Keep 'em clean, though.