Thursday, July 09, 2009

blooms and pollinators

Came home from a trip, and the borage had grown AND bloomed!
(still not as lush and lovely as my daughter's, but that is ok)
I know I just showed pics of a borage bloom, but it is such an odd bloom that I can't resist showing it again.
Other stuff is blooming, too and attracting those bees/pollinators:
The cilantro/coriander is blooming (guess that makes it coriander now, huh?)

This dill volunteered in the middle of the veggie garden this year (along w/ about a dozen of its'
closest buddies) and I just let them grow, knowing they would attract bees to the garden, too.


donna said...

Well, now you know the secret to growing borage that blooms....take more trips. ha-ha I've just recently started seeing a lot of bees around here. Happy little pollinators, aren't they?

Unknown said...

Actually, if it's not yet coriander but still not quite cilantro... what would you call it? Ciliander? ;)

Nice seeing all of the pollinators around, isn't it? I marvel at watching them, and it sounds like you have lots of wonderful plants to attract them at your place!

Muum said...

ciliander? I like it. or maybe Corantro?? I think it could be added to that delicious borage salad, though.