Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Iris week - how many shades of yellow are there?

When you start loving irises, and growing irises, and BUYING irises, it doesn't take long to notice that there are a LOT of colors, sizes, and varieties.
This is an iris that migrated past our fence into the field next door. Don't you love this bright, clear yellow?
Seeing this always makes me smile.

This iris (below) may not technically be yellow. We'll be charitable and call it 'gold,'
really , it's more of a brown.

Here's another salvage iris, yellow with white and brown tones. Not a fave of mine, really.
Here's a nice buttery-yellow.
It's a keeper.

Another yummy yellow beauty. Sorry I don't know the names of any of these.

Here's a space ager, name of course, unknown.
Odd, really, with blue spears extending from the edge of the beard. Odd colors too.

Here's our final yellow iris of the day. Intense, almost mustard-
yellow falls, delicate white standards and white veining.

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