Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Well, nothing new is happening around here, our best crop outside is snow flakes. The African violets are still blooming, purple with white fringe, the pink ruffly one, and the red-purple violet. I see a few buds on my other plants, but so far, no new colors.
The creamy white poinsettia is still plugging along, even though Christmas is long over.

My little rosemary plant is still blooming, too. I am thinking I will be able to keep it alive until I can plant it out in the spring.
I am looking forward to my two jasmine plants will bloom, but that will probably not be until March. Happy GMD!


Carol Michel said...

Muum, one thing that is nice about bloom day is I see flowers I've never seen or paid attention to. I've never really seen rosemary bloom. I would have figured it had to be outside nearly all the time to bloom, but yours looks quite happy indoors.

Thanks for joining us for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Sweet Home and Garden Carolina said...

Hi Muum,

I didn't know that rosemary bloomed, either. I've tried to grow it inside but to no avail so you must be doing something right.

Shady Gardener said...

Isn't it wonderful that we can still garden during the winter? What a variety of flowering plants! I didn't know rosemary bloomed. Your violet is beautiful.

I just returned from visiting my parents. Mom grows many violets and a number were blooming. I took pictures and will be posting them. ;-)

Kylee Baumle said...

I don't think I've ever seen rosemary bloom either! Thanks for showing us! Beautiful AV!