Here's a meme: vote, and then let us all know what your experience was - wait time, etc. Political ranting optional.

I voted at 8:30 a.m., no wait at
my polling station, although they said there had been a line earlier.
I was planning to go about 9, 9:30 a.m., because I calculated that voters on the way to work, and parents dropping kids off at school would be done by then, and it would be slow. (I have been hearing about hour long waits at early voting.)
Then I saw that the snow that wasn't supposed to come until tonight or this afternoon, was coming down, and I would rather not get stuck somewhere, so I ran out the door and voted.
So, come on, let me know what your experience was!
We voted at 6:45 am. Wait time was 10 min. The kids came with us. They thought it was interesting. They will probably be in the local paper, bleary eyed, hair sticking out all which way, waiting for mom and dad to vote. Got to love democracy. Glad it's finally over.
We went in after Seminary and before work to drop off our absentee ballots. As we were just dropping off, we didn't have to wait, but there wasn't much of a line anyway.
Two of us are going to re-register and vote the regular way, we never mail in early anyway. The third voter will stay absentee, as he should be going on a mission soon.
6:45?! Our polls don't open until 7am. We waited until nearly 8 and probably avoided the early rush.
muum! i gave you an award at my place. also, i can't believe i didn't comment here on my voting experience. lame me.
maybe cause i talked to you on the phone while i was in line? in any case, i voted early the day before, and we waited in line for about 45 minutes. we enjoyed ourselves, and i was glad to get to go with spencer. :)
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