There was a moose !!! in my back yard today. I was looking out the backyard, checking my makeshift birdfeeder, when I saw a very large furry rump -

My first thought was that it was a bear- but they are hibernating, this time of year (so the two Wildlife protection services guys said). Then I could see his / her head, and realized it was a moose. This second shot is still hard to see, but I knew it was a moose at this point, so I calmly ran to the stairs and yelled for my 12 year old to come and see, and called 911, snapping pictures all the time I'm on the phone with them.

She (it is a cow, the neighbor assures me) went to the neighbor's yard, then headed back into our yard and went to the far corner.

Here is another shot. She hung around for quite a while, then headed up the hill to the neighbor's to graze on his trees for a while. The Wilderness protection guys showed up about then, of course.

Their advice was don't approach the moose (duh!) and they would go up and around the back of our property to see if they could see it, but if it is not causing trouble, they won't relocate it. So I guess we will keep our eyes open for our winter visitor. (There was
so much snow that a moose came to live in our yard). Crazy.
Makes me miss Alaska. We had them around all the time. Thanks for sharing that.
A moose? We've had deer one half street over but never a moose. He looks like he's complaining about something, doesn't he?
Wow! Those are amazing pictures, I will have to show my kiddos in the morning!
i cannot believe that. crazy.
makes me wonder what other wildlife has been in and out of your yard!
Do you have lots of moose around there that it's not uncommon to have them wandering through? Wow. We have moose, but none near our residential area. We also have wolves, elk, coyotes and black bear here. No grizzlies in SK though, thank goodness! Caribou come only as far south as our town and only occasionally. Since we fenced the back yard and got a big dog, we haven't had much wildlife in our back yard!
How exciting! I hope he doesn't ruin any of your trees or plants!
We are still talking about the moose in the neighborhood, but haven't seen her all day.
Gardenista, we've been here 7 years and this is the first moose I've seen in the yard, and a small deer earlier this winter. The snow is very heavy this year, and so they are coming down farther than usual. USed to be cougars, occassionally (which DH doesn't believe), racoons, rabbits, pheasants and quail around here.
How fun. I would love to find a moose in my yard, I think. The only large animals I've found so far is deer.
I call them large rats. My dogs also hang out in my yard and them eat like Moose (Meese?) But I don't think that counts.
How fun. I would love to find a moose in my yard, I think. The only large animals I've found so far is deer.
I call them large rats. My dogs also hang out in my yard and them eat like Moose (Meese?) But I don't think that counts.
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